Are you interested in living in Clarksville, Maryland? You’re not alone. Its small-town feel, educated workforce, and ethnic diversity combine to make Clarksville a great place to live. Want to learn more about it?

Who lives in Clarksville?

Clarksville is home to a highly-educated, well-compensated population of about 11,000 people. More than 97% of Clarksville’s workforce is employed in white collar jobs, which is well above the national average. Many of those Clarksville residents work as scientists, computer engineers, managers, and finance professionals.

But Clarksville is home to artists, too. Clarksville has more artists, designers, and people who work in the media than 90% of other towns in the country.

More than four-fifths of Clarksville residents have a college or graduate degree, compared to just 21% of the population nationally. Those degrees lead to higher salaries than average, too. The median household income in Clarksville is $184,495, compared to a national median income of $55,775.

Clarksville is also home to people of a variety of ethnicities. About a quarter of all Clarksville residents were born outside the United States.

Housing in Clarksville

Because Clarksville is a desirable place to live, housing values are high. The median home price is about $686,000. About half of all of houses fall within the $524,000 to $786,000 range.

More than 90% of the housing in Clarksville is occupied by the owner. Most homes in Clarksville are single-family houses, although some townhomes are available.

Almost all of the housing in Clarksville was built after 1970. About a third of the houses in town were built after the year 2000.

Education in Clarksville

A third of the population of Clarksville is under the age of 18. The town is part of the Howard County Public School System, which is one of the highest-ranked school districts in the country. The public schools that serve Clarksville are:

Commuting from Clarksville

Many Clarksville residents commute to Washington, D.C. or Baltimore for work. While some public transit options are available, only about 4% of residents commute that way. The rest commute by car.

Is a home in Clarksville right for you?

If you’re ready to start looking for a home in Clarksville or the surrounding area, call us today at (301) 882-8186, or use our contact form to reach us. We can help you find the home you’re looking for in Clarksville and beyond.